

Sandy Park, England, United Kingdom
Mon, Mar 10 2025

Sponsorship Pitch

Sandy Park, England, United Kingdom Sandy Park, England, United Kingdom
#Business & Professional  #Other  #Conference

About our event

INTERACTIONS - Human dymamics shape everything.

Ever noticed that - whenever we pick apart some major institutional failure - somewhere at its core there's almost always an exchange between two or more human beings that – had it gone a slightly different way – could have produced a radically different result?

You've heard the story a dozen times; a meeting held, a decision made or a phone call had with people who were just a little too anxious, just a little too stressed, a little too rushed or just too plain tired to be thinking straight, let alone determining anything that might affect the rest of us.

And you've seen the recommendations just as often; stricter controls, tighter procedures, greater standardisation, automation and efficiency, more systems. Which is fine... but it is never been enough.  But why?

Because those subtle, uncharted and unscripted micro-level human interactions remain unaffected, waiting to unwittingly sow the seeds of our very next institutional failure.

That's why we think it's time to really get to know the humans in the machine. Our psychology and behaviour, our dynamics and interplay. The seemingly insignificant interactions between people that determine the success or failure of our most critical institutions.

Which is why we have assembled all of the most fascinating thought leaders we can find: to explore these ideas, to pick through the latest research and to share new ways of thinking and working to put us humans in charge of our destiny, not at the mercy of our nature.

And it seems only appropriate that this gathering of minds should be as interactive and dynamic as possible so we're inviting everyone – presenters and delegates – to think beyond the tired old conference framework and experiment with new ways of interacting with fresh ideas, fresh insights and most importantly, fresh minds.

And we think you should be a part of it.

Interactions 2025.

It's not a convention. It's an unconvention.


Attendees Demographics

Gender Distribution


Expected Audience


Sponsorship Opportunities

Interactions are at the heart of everything in life and work.  You will have the opporutnity to meet and interact with the speakers and attendees who work in safety critical industries and see a new paradigm or improving safety and performance and have the paltform to showcase your ideas and products to an audience at the vangueard of change.



Bronze Package

Company logo to be displayed on printed products Company logo on digital assets at the conference Company logo to be mentioned as a sponsor at Interactions conference Company logo to be used in social media posts advertising Interactions conference



Silver Package

A stand at the conference in the social space plus all the benefits of the Bronze package Company logo to be displayed on printed products Company logo on digital assets at the conference Company logo to be mentioned as a sponsor at Interactions conference Company logo to be used in social media posts advertising Interactions conference



Gold Package

A 10 minute slot in the conference program to engage with the attendees plus all the benefits of the Bronze and Silver packages A stand at the conference in the social space Company logo to be displayed on printed products Company logo on digital assets at the conference Company logo to be mentioned as a sponsor at Interactions conference Company logo to be used in social media posts advertising Interactions conference

Our Sponsors

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I founded the Philosophical Breakfast Club in 2015 as a cross industrry learning platform and organisation.  We connect people to people, people to ideas and ideas to ideas to improve safety and perfomance in safety critical industires.  Interactions 2025 is the 4th conference and the culmination of a narraqtive trajectory that has taken us from education through high perfoming teams to leaeding change.  My background is as a doctor (anaesthetist) in the NHS but i beleive through a translation of ideas across conrtexts we can deliver better in all safet critical industries.